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VERBUND – Austria

1 MW-0.5 MWh storage system for the stability of the Austrian grid ABS4TSO project.

Location of the plant

Austria / Vienna

Size / Technology

1 MW/0,5 MWh – Lithium NCM



Contract Type


Customer:  Verbund Hydro Power GmbH

Contract duration: 1 year

Application: Frequency regulation

Peculiarity: Project for research purposes


The ABS4TSO project analyzes the provision of highly dynamic services for frequency stability using converter-based generation and storage systems. The 1 MW-0.5MWh Energy Storage System developed by SAET, for research purposes, it has as its objective the stability of the system, with focus on the following applications: Frequency stabilization through virtual inertia, supply of highly dynamic control power, damping of system fluctuations, rapid restoration of active power after grid failures and frequency stabilization for grid recovery.